2010年3月7日 星期日

BIG MIC 新鮮單曲發表 "Baby Please"

逆流音樂重量級歌手"BIG MIC",這次以他擅長的中英文交雜饒舌,創作了一首很不重量級的小情歌!!

baby please, u and me, 我們生個little me.
smoke a little weed, flow to a little beat.
just a little dream, fill with little things.
只有你, 可以當我的草莓ice cream.

Verse 1:
在一年多前, 你還不是我的girl,
then i flip the swirl, and i rock ur world.
給你good times, hood times, 從未缺席,
教你good lines, hood rhymes, never雀離.
maybe 我的脾氣 不好, but 為你,
i can change, re-arrange, 讓善惡對立.
hood and nice, black and white, 那是我們的對比,
wolf and sheep, thugging deep, 你是我的唯一.
so, i'll guide you, guard you, like Olympians,
treat you like a queen, save you from oblivions.
and my obedience, 誠信, 會永遠存在,
對你忠心耿耿 當你的 loon knight.
如果有人侵犯, they must be dumber,
他們別想侵占, I got the Axe-Bomber.
送他們 Go-wan, no one, 可以欺負,
我的forearm, 豪腕, 會keep you 保護.

baby please, u and me, 我們生個little me.
smoke a little weed, flow to a little beat.
just a little dream, fill with little things.
只有你, 可以當我的草莓ice cream.

Verse 2:
I gave you high technology, 還有melody,
kept you close and near 因為不能沒有你.
you're charged with felony, cuz 你把我困住,
你怎麼做的? 我還能問who?
接下來有點private, 所以你要穩住,
給你mo-mo我的棉被, 讓你聞入.
sniff it in and puff it out, 加上我的香水,
講個童話 freestyle, 是不是 想睡?
我想我講對, i know in many ways,
cuz part of u and me, I am your soul mate.
but wait, 我知道有時壓力,
讓你喘不過氣, like work and 家裡.
but count on me, 我會為你開闢,
天地,天理, you know my 來歷.
菲律賓的gangsta, 就是離不開你,
cuz gangsta luv, 我就是愛你.

想試聽更多BIG MIC的歌曲,請前往他的音樂部落格:

